Thursday, August 28, 2008

Joining the military.

So I'm thinking about joining the military.  Not sure which branch though.  I'm between the Army Reserve or National Guard and the Air Force Reserve or National Guard.  I have a friend that is in the Air Force, getting them to pay for his med school and he is talking me into joining (not forcefully though) and I met a guy at my new church who is in the Air Force and he is trying to talk me into it too.  But I have a coworker that is an ex Army Ranger who is leaning me towards the Army.

I'm really 50/50, well maybe 51 (Army)/49 (Air Force).

Why I want to join:
- Serve my country 
   * Something I think that everyone should do in one way or another and doesn't necessarily have to be the military
- Learn new skills
- Get into shape
- Make some extra money
    * Also get some college loans paid off 
- Make some new friends
    * I'm new to the area

I have a great job right now that pays really well and I talked to them and their stance on it is this.
- Training comes out of vacation time and if I don't have enough of that, then it's unpaid days off
    * Should be fine because I get paid during training right?
- If I get deployed, my job will be here whenever I get back

So everything looks good there.

I'm in Phase 2 now.

Ok, my journey to the ultimate decision has been broken up into 3 phases.

Phase 1:
- Learn basics about each branches (very basic info) and benefits
- Research online possible MOS's
- Start changing eating and exercise habits

- Let everything cool off and take time to really think about it.  Let emotions fade (if they will)
- Let the "world" cool off and see what direction the war is going

Phase 2:
- Meet with recruiters to discuss jobs and specific bonuses
- Take ASVAB

Phase 3:
- Talk to parents
- Talk to work
- Swear in

What I'm doing in the mean time:
- Running
- Push ups
- Talking with friends and getting input

What I really want to find is someone I can trust who will say, "now is (or isn't) the perfect time to join!"  I have a friend that was in the Marines and he says for me to go Air Force because its the most cushy.  I just don't know!

Some things that I think are really in my favor is my job being ok with it and my wife being 100% supportive.  I would have thought that one of those wouldn't have worked out as well as they have but it's been great.

I'm 23 so I'm still fairly young.  I don't want to wait very long to decide though, I'm thinking in a year or less.  I also don't want to drag it out.  Kids are years off, don't worry, we both agree on that.

I try to think of what the root reason is that gives me the desire to serve and until I figure that out then I can't make a decision.  Some of the reasons I think that help build that desire are:
- I've always loved playing "guns" when younger
- I enjoy all war movies from Apocalypse Now to Black Hawk Down
- Paintball is a blast
- I think ACU's are awesome
- I was in JROTC in high school
- Wanting to prove to myself that I can "make it"
- Tell people that I was in the military 
- Make a difference
- Be of service to others

See how many things there are that could be just emotional?  I can't join just because I really like Call of Duty 4 and Battlefield Bad Company!  I need to make sure that this isn't just a fad.

My wife thinks it's a real passion that I need to pursue.  I think she's right, maybe it's not that I like these video games and paintball and that makes we want to serve but it's me deep desire to serve that makes me enjoy these things.  Hmmm interesting....

I don't think that if I don't join I won't still feel accomplished, I just think that by serving you either get that sense of accomplishment in a different way.

I guess that's it for now.  Let me know what you think.  I could use your help.

NLOS Cannon

First, NLOS stands for "Non-Line-of-Sight."  Meaning that this thing can fire fairly accurately without even having to see the target like a traditional tank.  This thing is a fully automated tank of sorts.  It fires a 38 caliber round and can operate in tons of conditions.

Anyway, check out all of the details on their site: [NLOS from FCS]

You can either play the game online here: [jump] or download the app on your iPhone or iPod touch.

[pics from iPod game]

This game is pretty cool.  Lots of fun and not hard at all if you have played any kind of tank games.  How far did you get?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Friday, August 22, 2008

Humvee gots skills

Tactical Assault Group East

Very cool video, something I'm sure Adam would love!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Army Reserves

Great article on how the Army Reserves is an operational reserve instead of a strategic reserve.  Check it out! [source]

And here is a list of Operations, there are some cool names in there!  [wiki]

Great game!

I love this game!

Monday, August 18, 2008

VW Military Toureg?

I'll post more on this later but check this out!

NLOS Canon

Friday, August 15, 2008

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Fall in!

I'm new to the military. I'm not actually in the military either. What is the allure the armed forces have over me? I don't know. But I do know this, there seems to be a sense of honor and pride in serving. So I'm thinking about joining. The only branch that makes sense to me for my specific situation is the reserves orbthe national guard.

So right now, I'm on the track to learning more and seeing if it's right for me.

But there a few things I need to check to make sure this isn't just a fad. The military also looks interesting toe for these reasons:

- Call of Duty 4
- Battlefield Bad Company
- Generation Kill
- Paintball

See? Those are your typical recruiting tools. Not to mention the countless movies.

That's why I have to be sure I'm joining for the right reasons.

Well, follow me along as make my decision. I hope to post helpful links, articles, photos, videos, my progress... Just stick around!